Chief monk Num Hok passed away on OCT 22, B.E.2559 A.D.2015.
Funeral services will take place at Stricklin/Snively Mortuary, 1952 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90806 on NOV 22, B.E.2559 A.D.2015 in the afternoon.
Contact Info.: 562.434.4343, 562.607.4120. Courtesy Sansam Chap
ពិធីបុណ្យឈាបនកិច្ចលោក កែវ សក្កដា ជន្មាយុ ៣៣ឆ្នាំ នៅមន្ទីរតម្កល់សពនិងឈាបនដ្ឋាន Carpenter-Jenks ថ្ងៃទី០៨ សីហា ព.ស.២៥៥៩ គ.ស.២០១៥ ស្ថិតនៅទីក្រុង West Warwick រដ្ឋរ៉ូដអៃឡិន្ដ សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក More photos sakadakeo08082559
MICHAEL ‘MIKEY’ GNOATO, USAF 9/3/1991 – 8/15/2013 MICHAEL ‘MIKEY’ GNOATO, USAF 21, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, passed away on Thursday, August 15, 2013 in Northern Colorado. Born in Providence, he was the loving son of Daniele and Saran (Rath) Gnoato of Providence and dear brother of Davide Gnoato of West Warwick.
Michael was a 2009 graduate of Textron Chamber of Commerce Academy in Providence before enlisting in the U.S. Air Force where he was a military police officer.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend a Mass of Christian Burial on Monday, August 26th at 11 a.m. in St. Matthew’s Church, 1291 Elmwood Ave. Cranston, followed by military honors. Inurnment will take place at a later date in RI Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Exeter.
VISITING HOURS are Sunday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the NARDOLILLO FUNERAL HOME & Crematory, 1278 Park Ave., Cranston. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Hasbro Children’s Hospital, 593 Eddy St., Providence, RI 02903.
The late Mr. Son To passed away at 9:30PM on Wednesday the 9th Waxing Moon of Phagguṇa B.E.2556, March 20, A.D.2013 in the Jean Talon Hospital, Montréal, Quebec, Canada due to illness.
The late Mr. Son To, Buddhist, former Buddhist monk, born on Friday the 3rd Waning Moon of Phussa B.E.2466, January 5, A.D.1923 in Ta Maek village, Nakta Snaa Mphei commune, Kampong Thom district, Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom, former Cochin China, in the time of French colonial administered Kampuchea Krom, to a farmer family.
Funeral Schedules: FuneralMr.SonTo
Contact Info: Son Trien 514.323.9518, Son Sockha 514.593.7537, Thach Savan 514.915.4318, or Kim Sac Toan 514.331.4698.
The late Mr. Loek Sam Oeun, B.E.2472-B.E.2556, A.D.1928 – A.D.2012, former Khmer Issara (Khmer Freedom Movement) member under the leadership of the late Hon. Son Ngoc Thanh, former Company 25 Leader, former Military Region 4 Deputy Commander of the Khmer Republic Armed Forces, passed away on Monday the 4th Waxing Moon of Māgasira B.E.2556, December 17, A.D.2012 at 12 Noon in Boston, Massachusetts United States of America, due to sickness at age 84.
Contact Info: Mrs. Makara Loeuk, 59 Mill Strett, # 302, Dracut, MA 01826, phone: 978.606.9371. Download Obituary in Khmer ObitMr.LoekSamOeun121725562012 Courtesy Angkor Borei News
The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
Video: A Funeral Service for the late Mr. Song Kry (father of Mr. Kim Ly Chea), presided by Ven. Piyadatto Sophorn Kem of Wat Udom Saharatanaram, held on Saturday the 10th Waning Moon of Phagguṇa, B.E.2555, March 17, A.D.2012 Year of the Rabbit, the Foley-Hathaway Funeral Home and Wat Udom Saharatanaram, Massachusetts United States of America
A Funeral Service for the late Mr. Song Kry, presided by Ven. Piyadatto Sophorn Kem of Wat Udom Saharatanaram
Held on Saturday the 10th Waning Moon of Phagguṇa, B.E.2555, March 17, A.D.2012 Year of the Rabbit
The Foley-Hathaway Funeral Home and Wat Udom Saharatanaram, Massachusetts United States of America
ព្រះធម្មទេសនាសំដែងដោយ ព្រះធម្មវិបស្សនា កេតុធម្មោ សំ ប៊ុនធឿន
Dhamma talk by the late and renowned Cambodian Vipassana Buddhist Master Ven. Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun.
Watch our shows on LTC – Channel 95
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Phone: 978.853.9623