ខ្មែររាប់ពាន់នាក់ នៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ធ្វើបាតុកម្ម នៅថ្ងៃ១៩ សីហា ២០១៣ នៅទីក្រុង New York City មុខអគារអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ ដើម្បីទាមទារការពិត និងយុត្តិធម៌ ក្នុងការបោះឆ្នោត។
More than 1,500 Buddhist monks and people from across the United States of America and Canada participate in the peaceful demonstration on Monday the 13rd Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa B.E.2557 equivalent to August 19, A.D.2013, Year of the Snake, to request the world body to intervene in the Cambodian political impasse that occurs on the July 28, B.E.2557 A.D.2013 National Elections in front of the United Nations Headquarters, New York City, New York United States of America
More than 1,500 Buddhist monks and people from across the United States of America and Canada participate in the peaceful demonstration on Monday the 13rd Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa B.E.2557 equivalent to August 19, A.D.2013, Year of the Snake, to request the world body to intervene in the Cambodian political impasse that occurs on the July 28, B.E.2557 A.D.2013 National Elections in front of the United Nations Headquarters, New York City, New York United States of America
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia — The resuscitation of Nalanda University have recently been questioned by Buddhist groups from South and North East Asia. The biggest lament was that no Buddhist monks have been elected to its board. Unlike the Nalanda U of old, where eminent Buddhist scholar monks were the rectors, governors in the proposed new set up contains an overwhelming majority with ‘secular’ credentials.
Fueling the concern coming from the make up of the academic board, it has been revealed that “the new Nalanda International University will focus on the humanities, economics and management, Asian integration, sustainable development and oriental languages” (BBC report, May 28, 2013). The objective of the school was claimed to be “aimed at advancing the concept of an Asian community…and rediscovering old relationships”.
Why is it that the regeneration of a once great ancient
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A Public Forum with Hon. Sam Rainsy on Saturday the 4th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa B.E.2557 equivalent to August 10, A.D.2013, Year of the Snake at the Sampov Meas Hall, 450 Chelmsford Street, Lowell, Massachusetts United States of America
New Raw Clip: A Public Forum with Hon. Sam Rainsy on Saturday the 4th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa B.E.2557 equivalent to August 10, A.D.2013, Year of the Snake at the Sampov Meas Hall, 450 Chelmsford Street, Lowell, Massachusetts United States of America
The Cambodia National Rescue Party of North America, CNRP, and Cambodian people plan to hold a demonstration in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
Where: United Nations, New York
Date: Monday August 19, B.E.2557 A.D.2013
Time: 1:00PM – 3:00PM
The UN must intervene and be a part of the Independent Investigation Commission. This will ensure a peaceful cooperation among all parties as we search for the truth concerning voting irregularities which was fraudulent and outright disrespectful of our people’s will.
Please contact the local CNRP leaders and representatives at 508.954.2260, E-mail: srpusa@comcast.net; 450.712.4998, E-mail: mapretty@videotron.ca.
Le Parti national de sauvetage Cambodge de l’Amérique du Nord, CNRP, et le peuple cambodgien intention d’organiser une manifestation devant le siège des Nations Unies à New York.
Où: Nations Unies, New York
Date: le lundi 19 Août, B.E.2557 A.D.2013
Heure: 13h00-15h00
L’ONU doit intervenir et faire partie de la Commission d’enquête indépendante. Cela permettra d’assurer une coopération pacifique entre toutes les parties que nous recherche de la vérité concernant des irrégularités de vote qui était frauduleuse et carrément irrespectueux de la volonté de notre peuple.
S’il vous plaît contacter les dirigeants locaux et les représentants CNRP au 508.954.2260, Courriel: srpusa@comcast.net; 450.712.4998, Courriel: mapretty@videotron.ca.
“ការលួច ការក្លែងបន្លំ ប្រឆាំងនឹងសីលទីពីរ” ព្រះពុទ្ធ។
“Stealing, cheating are against the 2nd precept,” the Buddha.
«Voler, en trichant sont contraires à la 2ème précepte,« le Bouddha.
An open invitation to a Public Forum with Hon. Sam Rainsy on Saturday the 4th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa B.E.2557 equivalent to August 10, A.D.2013, Year of the Snake at the Sampov Meas Hall, 450 Chelmsford Street, Lowell, Massachusetts United States of America
Public Invitation
CNRP-MA cordially invites you to join a public meeting with Hon. Sam Rainsy, President of Cambodia National Rescue Party, CNRP. He will discuss important issue regarding Cambodia’s political future in post general election.
Date: Sarturday August 10, B.E.2557 A.D.2013 at 10:am- 12:00 Noon
Venue: Sampov Meas Restaurant
450 Chelmsford Street
Lowell, MA 01851
For more information contact: Synoun Kham 603-689-4204; Sakhan Ke 978-204-2606 and Peng An Tan 978-328-3492
សូមទស្សនាវីដេអូ ភិក្ខុ ឥន្ទប្បញ្ញោ ងិន ភេន ពីទីក្រុងប៉ារីសប្រទេសបារាំង
Vidéo Vénérable Ngin Phén de Paris France
An informal video interview with the Maha Thera Indapanno Ngin Phen in Paris, France
Courtesy សំអោក Sam Ok
Raw Clip: A Peaceful Rally in Lowell in front of U.S. Congresswoman Niki Tsongas’ office, Massachusetts United States of America Friday the 5th Waxing Moon of Āsāḷha B.E.2557 equivalent to July 12, A.D.2013 Year of the Snake. Khmers from Rhode Island and Massachusetts gathered to demand Cambodia respects the Constitution, human rights, reform N.E.C., electoral procedures, apply genuine democracy, request U.S. intervention via the representative.
Watch other rally raw clips and previous videos
<<Wat Baray, one of many Budhdist temples in Cambodia
Khmer Buddhist Temples in the Kingdom of Cambodia (Descendant of the Khmer Empire)
As of December 17, 2008, Cambodia has 4,307 Buddhist temples, 55,583 Buddhist clergies, 4 Buddhist universities, 12 Buddhist high schools.
A Gratitude Buddhist Ceremony To Honor 1. His Holiness Jotannano, 2. His Holiness Maha Ghosananda, 3. The Maha Thera Viriyapanno, 4. Vipassana Master Ketodhammo
I, Ven. Dejapanno Pheap Phorn, Board of Directors, members, Buddhist students, students former Buddhist students, students and devotees living in the United States of America unanimously agreed to organize a Gratitude Buddhist Ceremony to honor the late H.H. Jotannano Chuon Nath, the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch of Cambodia, the late H.H. Maha Ghosananda Va Yav, the Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism, the Maha Thera Viriyapanno Suos Kou, former Head Monk of Wat Buddharangsey, Houston, Texas, and the late Vipassana Buddhist Master Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun – they are all Buddhist monks that strictly adhere to the Teachings of the historic Lord Buddha in all their lives and served Buddhism until their times of passing respectively.
Therefore, the Buddhist students, students, former Buddhist students, students and I would like to honor them by holding a memorial service to honor Their Holinesses, the Maha Thera, and Vipassana Master, our ancestors and deceased relatives in the realm of Samsara – the cycle of suffering, birth and death.
* Friday the 5th Waning Moon of Jeṭṭha B.E.2557 equivalent to June 28, A.D.2013
6:30PM Namaskar – Pay Homage to the Triple Gem (the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha), receive
the 5 precepts, Buddhist monks chant paritta, and Dhamma Talk
* Saturday the 6th Waning Moon of Jeṭṭha B.E.2557 equivalent to June 29, A.D.2013
7:00AM Offer porridge to the Buddhist monks
9:00AM Buddhist monks go for alms rounds within the compound of the temple
10:30AM Namaskar – Pay Homage to the Triple Gem (the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha),
receive the 5 precepts, offering to the Buddhist monks, invite the Buddhist monks to chant and
transmit the merits to Their Holinesses, the Maha Thera, Vipassana Master, our ancestors
and deceased relatives in the realm of Samsara – the cycle of suffering, birth and death.
12:00PM Lunch for the devotees and guests
* Sunday the 7th Waning Moon of Jeṭṭha B.E.2557 equivalent to June 30, A.D.2013
The conclusion of the Samadhi Vipassana Learning & Retreat. Thank you.
Venue: Wat Kiry Vongsa Bopharam, the Peace Meditation Center, 100A Cave Hill Road, Leverett, Massachusetts
United States of America 01054-9728; Telephones: 413.367.0280, 978.758.0286, 978.935.3287;
or E-mail: vipassanadhura@gmail.com
Please view program schedules in Khmer and English, PDFs: Gratitude GratitudeENG
Directions on how to get to Wat Kiry Vongsa Bopharam: Wat KB
Buddha photo courtesy trueslant; H.H. Jotannano and Maha Ghosananda photos templenews.org, MT Ketodhammo photo courtesy VCC; MT Viriyapanno photo courtesy Wat Buddharangsey
How to write a poem Poem-Khmer-បទសត្វកាងស្%20លាប Courtesy Maha Thera Pannapadipo Sophal Pat, Wat Ratanarangsey
A New Year Reception for Hon. Sam Rainsy, President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, CNRP, Lowell, Massachusetts United States of America, Saturday the 3rd Waxing Moon of Citta B.E.2556, equivalent to April 13, A.D.2013 Year of the Dragon
Last year’s commemoration video Last year’s commemoration slideshows
Appeal in Khmer AppealJUN042557 Appeal in English AppealJUN042557En
ព្រះធម្មទេសនាសំដែងដោយ ព្រះធម្មវិបស្សនា កេតុធម្មោ សំ ប៊ុនធឿន
Dhamma talk by the late and renowned Cambodian Vipassana Buddhist Master Ven. Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun.
Watch our shows on LTC – Channel 95
Broadcast hours | Fridays: 4 – 5 pm, 8 – 9 pm
Tuesdays 11 am - 12 pm
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