The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
The late Mrs. Muoyky Eam, also known as Theany, age 52, passed away on Thursday the 6th Waxing Moon of Sāvaṇa, B.E.2556, equivalent to August 23, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon. Ceremony held at Wat Triratanaram, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Merrimack Cremation Service, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States of America.
Raymond ordained to honor his late grandfather, Mr. Yem Eam. Wat Sanghikaram, Lynn, Massachusetts United States of America, Saturday the 8th Waxing Moon, day of abstinence, of Sāvaṇa BE2556, August 25, AD2012 Year of the Dragon
Raymond ordained to honor his late grandfather, Mr. Yem Eam. The Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem, Massachusetts United States of America, Saturday the 8th Waxing Moon, day of abstinence, of Sāvaṇa BE2556, August 25, AD2012 Year of the Dragon
ទស្សនវិជ្ជាពុទ្ធសាសនា ដោយព្រះមហាវីរយបណ្ឌិតោ ប៉ាង ខាត់
The Buddhist Philosophy, compiled by the late Maha Thera Viriya Pandito Pang Khath, extracted from the Kampuja Suriya Magazine, Vols. 8-11, B.E.2513 A.D.1969. Download The Maha Thera Viriya Pandito Pang Khath
Courtesy Ven. Aggadharo Maha Im Udom
Photo courtesy Yim Guechse
A Buddhist Fundraising Ceremony at Wat Kiry Vongsa Bopharam to take place on:
Saturday the 3rd Waxing Moon of Āsāḷha B.E.2556, July 21, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon
* 6:00PM Assembly of Buddhist congregants
* 7:00PM Namaskar, receive the five precepts, and dhamma talk.
Sunay the 4th Waxing Moon of Āsāḷha B.E.2556, July 22, A.D.2012 Year of the Dragon
* 9:30AM Assembly of fundraisers
* 10:30AM Namaskar, receive the five precepts, offering lunch to the Buddhist monks, Buddhist monks offer their blessing to the ancestors and deceased ones.
* Lunch
* 1:00PM Procession of donations three times around the pagoda and make offering to the Buddhist monks to conclude the ceremony.
Everyone welcomes.
Contact Info: Wat Kiry Vongsa Bopharam – The Peace Meditation Center
100A Cave Hill Road, Leverett, MA 01054. Tel.: 978.758.0286, 413.367.0280.
Cranston, United States of America June 28, B.E.2556, A.D.2012
Wat Dhamagosnaram in Rhode Island will organize a Buddhist ceremony in recognition of Chief Monk on Saturday – Sunday June 30 – July 1, B.E.2556, A.D.2012 accordingly as planned.
The dignitaries from Cambodia, especially Ven. Chhoeng Bunchhea and Minister of Ministry of Cult and
Religions Min Khin and the planned birthday ceremony for the Chief Monk will not take place according to
the June 24, B.E.2556, A.D.2012 decision of the Board of the temple.
This is a media advisory.
The Secretariat
Contact Info.: 401.942.2084
Please download press release.
ព្រះធម្មទេសនាសំដែងដោយ ព្រះធម្មវិបស្សនា កេតុធម្មោ សំ ប៊ុនធឿន
Dhamma talk by the late and renowned Cambodian Vipassana Buddhist Master Ven. Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun.
Watch our shows on LTC – Channel 95
Broadcast hours | Fridays: 4 – 5 pm, 8 – 9 pm
Tuesdays 11 am - 12 pm
Phone: 978.853.9623