2100 W. Willow Street
Long Beach, CA 90810
Phone: 562.595.0566
1239 E. 20th Street
Long Beach, CA 90806
Phone: 562.599.6414
Fax: 562.433.7490
1009 E. South Street
Long Beach, CA 90805
Phone: Not Available at this time
2289 Lewis Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90806
Phone: 562.599.4135, 562.591.8978
5212 E. 10th Street
Oakland, CA 94601
Phone: 510.535.2428
1595 Hard Street
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Phone: 909.796.6372
Fax: 909.799.7486
3606 47th Street
San Diego, CA 92015
Phone: 619.269.3659
E-mail: Wat47@watkhemararatanaram.org
Website: www.watkhemararatanaram.org
4311 Chamoune Avenue
San Diego, CA 92015
Phone: 619.640.5175
1780 McLaughlin Avenue
San Jose, CA 95122
Telephones: 408.298.1315, 408.391.0554, 213.221.9178, or 213.604.3953
វត្ដខ្មែរនៅរដ្ឋខាលីហ្វ័នញ៉ា សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក
Wat Khmer in California.
Abbot Ven. Chim Un
Watt Meangkolvorn Santa Rosa Association
297 Millbrae Avenue
San Rosa, CA 95407
Phone: 707.206.0152
Website: www.wattmeangkolvorn.org
Watt Meangkolvorn Santa Rosa Association
297 Millbrae Avenue
San Rosa, CA 95407
Phone: 707.206.0152
Website: www.wattmeangkolvorn.org
3066 East North Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725
Phone: 559.233.9951
Website: www.ratanakmondol.com
Former Abbot Ven. Maha Prasert Aryuwong, age 62 as of Sunday May 30, B.E.2554, A.D.2010 Year of the Tiger
2337 North San Carlo Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Phone: 951.324.3927 or 909.242.3567
3633 W. Jensen Avenue
Fresno, CA 93706
Phone: 559.497.0207, 209.534.4170, 209.543.5877
Est. April 25, B.E.2552/A.D.2007
67067 A, Kaleohanui Street
Waialua, HI 96791
E-mail: info@dhammaram.info or cabah.hawaii@gmail.com
Website: www.dhammaram.info
1820 Marlin Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702.430.9277
ព្រះធម្មទេសនាសំដែងដោយ ព្រះធម្មវិបស្សនា កេតុធម្មោ សំ ប៊ុនធឿន
Dhamma talk by the late and renowned Cambodian Vipassana Buddhist Master Ven. Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun.
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