5300 Highway 3 East
Tecumseh, ON N0R 1K0
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dhammo T.T., Vice Resident Monk: Ven Srey Kinthan
12181 Boul.de la Rivière-des-Prairies
Montréal, Quebec, H1C 1R3 Canada
Telephone: 514.494.9470
E-mail: info@thammikaram.ca
Website: www.thammikaram.ca
Wat Khmer in Canada.
1197 Deer Park Road, ON, K2E 6H5
Ottawa, Canada
Phone: 613.230.6268
E-mail: watbodhikaram@gmail.com
Website: www.bodhikaram.com
More wats and addresses will be added to the page soon.
Country area code for Cambodia: 855
Country area code for France: 33
Country area code for Australia:
68 Tarlington Pde
Bonnyrigg 2177
N.S.W., Australia
Phone: 02.9823.6754, 02.9823.6404
313 Martins Road
Parafield Gardens 5107
SA, Australia
Telephone: 088.281.2856
Fax: 800.281.2065
Wat Khmer in Australia.
159 Clarke Road
Springvale South 3172
Victoria, Australia
Phone: 03.540.2432
Fax: 03.540.5868
E-mail: cbav.office@cbav.org
Website: www.cbav.org
More wats and addresses will be added to the page soon.
Country area code for Cambodia: 855
Country area code for France: 33
Country area code for Australia:
25, Andherauli More
Mehrauli, New Delhi 110030
Phone: 680.3048
Fax: 680.5388
(Beside the 80-ft Buddha)
824231 District-Gaya
Bihar, India
Phone: 0091.943.120.7938, 0091.987.184.8264 or 0631.220.0882
ព្រះភិក្ខុ សុវណ្ណញាណោ ពឿយ មេត្ដា
Abbot: Ven. Sovannannano Poeuy Metta
E-mail: sumethear@yahoo.com
More wats and addresses will be added to the page soon.
Country area code for Cambodia: 855
Country area code for France: 33
7 Yaters Road
Mangere Auckland, New Zealand
8-12 Dart Crescent
Island Bay Wellington, New Zealand
Khmer Buddhist Temples in Kampuchea Krom (The Mekong Delta or South Vietnam)
Kampuchea Krom has more than 600 Khmer Theravada Buddhist temples; only 567 Khmer Theravada Buddhist temples remained, the rest were destroyed by the Vietnamese, more than 20,000 Buddhist clergies; 13,000,000 Khmers. 99% of Khmers are Buddhist devotees. Khmers in Kampuchea Krom and Cambodia are the same in race, language, religion, literature, history, heritage, culture, custom and tradition. It is slightly different in regional tonal accent when it comes to speaking.
More wats and addresses will be added to the page soon.
Country area code for Cambodia: 855
Country area code for France: 33
Country area code for Australia:
Wat Samborangsey
The oldest Khmer temple in Kampuchea Krom, age 1,638 as of B.E.2555, A.D.2011 Year of the Rabbit. Built in B.E.917 equivalent to A.D.373.
Located in Ta Khao village, Krasaing commune, Kampong Spean district, Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom (Presently Socialist Republic of Vietnam).
Wat Bodhisalaraja Kampong
Built in the seventh century at the same time as Wat Samraong Ek, Wat Khtung, Wat Koh, and Wat Koak.
Preah Trapeang province (The Khmer people there organize a Buddhist memorial service to honor Oknha Son Kuy for his courageous act of nationalism), Kampuchea Krom (Presently Socialist Republic of Vietnam).
Wat Samraong Ek
Built in the seventh century at the same time as Wat Buddhisalaraja Kampong, Wat Khtung, Wat Koh, and Wat Koak
Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom (Presently Socialist Republic of Vietnam).
Wat Khtung
Built in the seventh century at the same time as Wat Buddhisalaraja Kampong, Samraong Ek, Wat Koh, and Wat Koak
Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom (Presently Socialist Republic of Vietnam).
ព្រះធម្មទេសនាសំដែងដោយ ព្រះធម្មវិបស្សនា កេតុធម្មោ សំ ប៊ុនធឿន
Dhamma talk by the late and renowned Cambodian Vipassana Buddhist Master Ven. Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun.
Watch our shows on LTC – Channel 95
Broadcast hours | Fridays: 4 – 5 pm, 8 – 9 pm
Tuesdays 11 am - 12 pm
Email: templenewscast@yahoo.com
Phone: 978.853.9623
Website: templenews.org
Youtube: www.youtube.com/templenewstv